Monday, December 14, 2009

Thank God The Football Gods Listened to Us...

... and finally decided to kick Pat Hill to the cur--- whaaaaat?!?!?

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, December 7, 2009

It Could Have Been Worse

We could have started out the season with high hopes, lost all the big games, tired ourselves out before league play, forgotten to do the bulldog bounce in more than one game, done the wave while we were on offense, used up a year of eligibility on a promising quarterback, suspended another, injured a star running back, lost to Boise again and ended up in the New Mexico Bowl. Oh wait.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

If You Fail All of the Way Across the Pacific...

... and no one watches it, does it still count as a fail? Game starts at 8 tonight. According to my brother's Comcast, it's only $135 to watch the game. I imagine the commercials during the game going something like this:

-Two team shirts, one button, a flag for the car and a temporary tattoo... $78
-One bag of chips, onion dip, two cases of beer, hot dogs and buns.... $47
-Two AAA batteries for the remote, new surround sound and bed pan so you don't have to leave the couch... $169.99
-The College Game Day plan from Comcast to watch the game... $135
-Paying a total of $429.99 to watch the Bulldogs run it up the middle, have a team whose mascot is a Rainbow Warrior blow you out (pun intended) and have Coach Hill say "We'll get the next one".... Priceless. And painful.

Monday, October 5, 2009

That was a close one.

For the first time in 3 weeks Pat Hill didn't figure out how to lose a game. Of course we had a bye, but as we have all learned over the years... Pat Hill can figure out how to lose in any situation.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"They Are Who We Thought They Were..."

... unless of course they're not. In that case, they're just the coaching staff of a middle of the road WAC team.

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, September 28, 2009

Looks like the State of California beat us to the punch. Pat Hill had a furlough day today. Keep it up State Legislature we may be able to salvage the season.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Playbook Secrets Revealed: Part One

Up the middle or screen pass. Shh. Don't let the defense know.